Class TMCoord

  • public class TMCoord
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class holds a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates along with the corresponding latitude and longitude.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      TMCoord​(double latitude, double longitude, double easting, double northing)
      Create an arbitrary set of Transverse Mercator coordinates with the given values.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static TMCoord fromLatLon​(double latitude, double longitude, java.lang.Double a, java.lang.Double f, double originLatitude, double centralMeridian, double falseEasting, double falseNorthing, double scale)
      Create a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates from a pair of latitude and longitude, for the given Globe and projection parameters.
      static TMCoord fromTM​(double easting, double northing, double originLatitude, double centralMeridian, double falseEasting, double falseNorthing, double scale)
      Create a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates for the given Globe, easting, northing and projection parameters.
      double getEasting()  
      double getLatitude()  
      double getLongitude()  
      double getNorthing()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TMCoord

        public TMCoord​(double latitude,
                       double longitude,
                       double easting,
                       double northing)
        Create an arbitrary set of Transverse Mercator coordinates with the given values.
        latitude - the latitude double.
        longitude - the longitude double.
        easting - the easting distance value in meters.
        northing - the northing distance value in meters.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if latitude, longitude, originLatitude or centralMeridian is null.
    • Method Detail

      • fromLatLon

        public static TMCoord fromLatLon​(double latitude,
                                         double longitude,
                                         java.lang.Double a,
                                         java.lang.Double f,
                                         double originLatitude,
                                         double centralMeridian,
                                         double falseEasting,
                                         double falseNorthing,
                                         double scale)
        Create a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates from a pair of latitude and longitude, for the given Globe and projection parameters.
        latitude - the latitude double.
        longitude - the longitude double.
        a - semi-major ellipsoid radius. If this and argument f are non-null and globe is null, will use the specfied a and f.
        f - ellipsoid flattening. If this and argument a are non-null and globe is null, will use the specfied a and f.
        originLatitude - the origin latitude double.
        centralMeridian - the central meridian longitude double.
        falseEasting - easting value at the center of the projection in meters.
        falseNorthing - northing value at the center of the projection in meters.
        scale - scaling factor.
        the corresponding TMCoord.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if latitude or longitude is null, or the conversion to TM coordinates fails. If the globe is null conversion will default to using WGS84.
      • fromTM

        public static TMCoord fromTM​(double easting,
                                     double northing,
                                     double originLatitude,
                                     double centralMeridian,
                                     double falseEasting,
                                     double falseNorthing,
                                     double scale)
        Create a set of Transverse Mercator coordinates for the given Globe, easting, northing and projection parameters.
        easting - the easting distance value in meters.
        northing - the northing distance value in meters.
        originLatitude - the origin latitude double.
        centralMeridian - the central meridian longitude double.
        falseEasting - easting value at the center of the projection in meters.
        falseNorthing - northing value at the center of the projection in meters.
        scale - scaling factor.
        the corresponding TMCoord.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if originLatitude or centralMeridian is null, or the conversion to geodetic coordinates fails. If the globe is null conversion will default to using WGS84.
      • getLatitude

        public double getLatitude()
      • getLongitude

        public double getLongitude()
      • getEasting

        public double getEasting()
      • getNorthing

        public double getNorthing()