Class OmnidirectionalSightline

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Renderable, Attributable, Highlightable, Movable

    public class OmnidirectionalSightline
    extends AbstractRenderable
    implements Attributable, Highlightable, Movable
    Displays an omnidirectional sightline's visibility within the WorldWind scene. The sightline's placement and area of potential visibility are represented by a Cartesian sphere with a center position and a range. Terrain features within the sphere are considered visible if there is a direct line-of-sight between the center position and a given terrain point.
    OmnidirectionalSightline displays an overlay on the WorldWind terrain indicating which terrain features are visible, and which are occluded. Visible terrain features, those having a direct line-of-sight to the center position, appear in the sightline's normal attributes or its highlight attributes, depending on the highlight state. Occluded terrain features appear in the sightline's occlude attributes, regardless of highlight state. Terrain features outside the sightline's range are excluded from the overlay.

    Limitations and Planned Improvements

    • OmnidirectionalSightline is currently limited to terrain-based occlusion, and does not incorporate other 3D scene elements during visibility determination. Subsequent iterations will support occlusion of both terrain and 3D polygons.
    • The visibility overlay is drawn in ShapeAttributes' interior color only. Subsequent iterations will add an outline where the sightline's range intersects the scene, and will display the sightline's geometry as an outline.
    • OmnidirectionalSightline requires OpenGL ES 2.0 extension GL_OES_depth_texture. Subsequent iterations may relax this requirement.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OmnidirectionalSightline

        public OmnidirectionalSightline​(Position position,
                                        double range)
        Constructs an OmnidirectionalSightline that displays the line-of-sight from a specified center position and range. Visible features are displayed in white, while occluded features are displayed in red.
        position - the position where the sightline is centered
        range - the sightline's range in meters from its position
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the position is null, or if the range is negative
      • OmnidirectionalSightline

        public OmnidirectionalSightline​(Position position,
                                        double range,
                                        ShapeAttributes attributes)
        Constructs an OmnidirectionalSightline that displays the line-of-sight from a specified center position and range. Visible features are displayed in the specified attributes, while occluded features are displayed in red.
        position - the position where the sightline is centered
        range - the sightline's range in meters from its position
        attributes - a reference to an attributes bundle used by this sightline when not highlighted
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the position is null, or if the range is negative
    • Method Detail

      • getPosition

        public Position getPosition()
        Indicates the geographic position where this sightline is centered.
        this sightline's geographic position
      • setPosition

        public OmnidirectionalSightline setPosition​(Position position)
        Sets this sightline's geographic position to the values in the supplied position.
        position - the new position where this sightline is centered
        this sightline, with its position set to the specified value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the position is null
      • getAltitudeMode

        public int getAltitudeMode()
        Indicates the altitude mode associated with this sightline's position.
        the altitude mode, see WorldWind.AltitudeMode for possible
      • setAltitudeMode

        public OmnidirectionalSightline setAltitudeMode​(int altitudeMode)
        Sets the altitude mode associated with this sightline's position.
        altitudeMode - the new altitude mode, see WorldWind.AltitudeMode for acceptable values
        this sightline with its altitude mode set to the specified value
      • getRange

        public double getRange()
        Indicates this sightline's range. Range represents the sightline's transmission distance in meters from its center position.
        this sightline's range in meters.
      • setRange

        public OmnidirectionalSightline setRange​(double meters)
        Sets this sightline's range. Range represents the sightline's transmission distance in meters from its center position.
        meters - this sightline's range in meters
        this sightline with its range set to the specified value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the range is negative
      • getAttributes

        public ShapeAttributes getAttributes()
        Indicates this sightline's "normal" attributes. These attributes are used for the sightline's overlay when the highlighted flag is false, and there is a direct line-of-sight from the sightline's center position to a terrain feature. If null and this sightline is not highlighted, visible terrain features are excluded from the overlay.
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface Attributable
        a reference to this sightline's attributes bundle
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(ShapeAttributes attributes)
        Sets this sightline's "normal" attributes to the supplied attributes bundle. These attributes are used for the sightline's overlay when the highlighted flag is false, and there is a direct line-of-sight from the sightline's center position to a terrain feature. If null and this sightline is not highlighted, visible terrain features are excluded from the overlay.
        It is permissible to share attribute bundles between sightlines.
        Specified by:
        setAttributes in interface Attributable
        attributes - a reference to an attributes bundle used by this sightline when not highlighted
      • getHighlightAttributes

        public ShapeAttributes getHighlightAttributes()
        Indicates this sightline's "highlight" attributes. These attributes are used for the sightline's overlay when the highlighted flag is true, and there is a direct line-of-sight from the sightline's center position to a terrain feature. If null and the highlighted flag is true, this sightline's normal attributes are used. If they, too, are null, visible terrain features are excluded from the overlay.
        Specified by:
        getHighlightAttributes in interface Attributable
        a reference to this sightline's highlight attributes bundle
      • setHighlightAttributes

        public void setHighlightAttributes​(ShapeAttributes highlightAttributes)
        Sets this sightline's "highlight" attributes. These attributes are used for the sightline's overlay when the highlighted flag is true, and there is a direct line-of-sight from the sightline's center position to a terrain feature. If null and the highlighted flag is true, this sightline's normal attributes are used. If they, too, are null, visible terrain features are excluded from the overlay.
        It is permissible to share attribute bundles between sightlines.
        Specified by:
        setHighlightAttributes in interface Attributable
        highlightAttributes - a reference to the attributes bundle used by this sightline when highlighted
      • getOccludeAttributes

        public ShapeAttributes getOccludeAttributes()
        Indicates this sightline's "occlude" attributes. These attributes are used for the sightline's overlay when there's no direct line-of-sight from the sightline's center position to a terrain feature. If null, occluded terrain features are excluded from the overlay.
        a reference to this sightline's occlude attributes bundle
      • setOccludeAttributes

        public void setOccludeAttributes​(ShapeAttributes occludeAttributes)
        Sets this sightline's "occlude" attributes. These attributes are used for the sightline's overlay when there's no direct line-of-sight from the sightline's center position to a terrain feature. If null, occluded terrain features are excluded from the overlay.
        It is permissible to share attribute bundles between sightlines.
        occludeAttributes - a reference to an attributes bundle used by this sightline when occluded
      • isHighlighted

        public boolean isHighlighted()
        Indicates whether this sightline's overlay uses its highlight attributes rather than its normal attributes for visible features.
        Specified by:
        isHighlighted in interface Highlightable
        true if this sightline is highlighted, and false otherwise
      • setHighlighted

        public void setHighlighted​(boolean highlighted)
        Sets the highlighted state of this sightline, which indicates whether this sightline's overlay uses its highlight attributes rather than its normal attributes for visible features.
        Specified by:
        setHighlighted in interface Highlightable
        highlighted - true to highlight this sightline, and false otherwise
      • getReferencePosition

        public Position getReferencePosition()
        A position associated with the object that indicates its aggregate geographic position. For an OmnidirectionalSightline, this is simply it's position property.
        Specified by:
        getReferencePosition in interface Movable
      • moveTo

        public void moveTo​(Globe globe,
                           Position position)
        Moves the sightline over the globe's surface. For an OmnidirectionalSightline, this simply calls setPosition(Position).
        Specified by:
        moveTo in interface Movable
        globe - not used.
        position - the new position of the sightline's reference position.