See: Description
Class | Description |
AbstractAxisArrow |
Base class for axis of advance arrow graphics.
AdvanceForFeint |
Implementation of the Axis of Advance for Feint graphic (2.X.2.3.3).
Airborne |
Implementation of the Airborne graphic (hierarchy 2.X., SIDC: G*GPOLAA--****X).
AttackRotaryWing |
Implementation of the Aviation offensive graphic (hierarchy 2.X., SIDC: G*GPOLAR--****X).
Aviation |
Implementation of the Aviation offensive graphic (hierarchy 2.X., SIDC: G*GPOLAV--****X).
Boundary |
Implementation of the Boundary graphic (2.X.
DirectionOfAttack |
Direction of Attack graphics.
DirectionOfAttackAviation |
Implementation of the Direction of Attack, Aviation graphic (2.X.
DirectionOfAttackForFeint |
Implementation of the Direction of Attack for Feint graphic (2.X.2.3.3).
DoseRateContourLine |
Implementation of the Dose Rate Contour Line graphic (2.X.3.4.9).
FireSupportLine |
Implementation of Fire Support line graphics.
ForwardEdgeOfBattleArea |
Implementation of the Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA) graphic (2.X.
ForwardEdgeOfBattleArea.FEBASymbol |
Implementation of TacticalSymbol to draw a symbol at the end of a FEBA line.
ForwardLineOfOwnTroops |
Implementation of the Forward Line of Own Troops graphic (2.X.
ForwardLineOfOwnTroops.PositionIterator |
Iterator to generate equally spaced positions along a control line.
HoldingLine |
This class implements the following graphics:
Holding Line (2.X. Bridgehead (2.X.
InfiltrationLane |
Implementation of the Infiltration Lane graphic (2.X.
LinearTarget |
Implementation of Linear Target graphics.
LineOfContact |
Implementation of the Line of Contact graphic (2.X.
MainAttack |
Implementation of the Main Attack graphic (hierarchy 2.X., SIDC: G*GPOLAGM-****X).
MunitionFlightPath | |
PhaseLine |
Implementation of phase line graphics.
PrincipleDirectionOfFire |
Implementation of the Principle Direction of Fire graphic (2.X.
PullUpPoint |
Implementation of the Pull-Up Point (PUP) graphic (2.X.
Route |
Implementation of the aviation route graphics.
RoutePoint |
Implementation of aviation route control point graphics.
SupportingAttack |
Implementation of the Supporting Attack graphic (hierarchy 2.X., SIDC: G*GPOLAGS-****X).
MIL-STD-2525 line graphics. Applications should use MilStd2525GraphicFactory
to create instances of
these graphics.