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NASA WorldWind-CE


This package provides classes for converting raw data sources into a form which can be used by standard WorldWind components, such as Layer and ElevationModel.

See: Description

Package Description

This package provides classes for converting raw data sources into a form which can be used by standard WorldWind components, such as Layer and ElevationModel. The package contains two key interfaces: DataRaster, and DataStoreProducer. Older versions of the package included DataDescriptor, which has been removed from WorldWind. This section describes the role of each interface. A guide to updating code which uses DataDescriptor can be found here.

DataRaster encapsulates the dimensions, geographic Sector, and data of a two-dimensional raster grid. DataRaster provides an interface to draw one geographic raster into another, according to each raster's geographic bounds. There are three concrete implementations of DataRaster:

Additionally, there are two interfaces for performing I/O operations on DataRaster:

DataStoreProducer provides a common interface for converting raw data sources into a form which can be used by standard WorldWind components. There are three concrete implementations of DataStoreProducer:

Data Configuration Documents are a common mechanism and file format for describing a WorldWind component's configuration. While data configuration documents are not part of the package, they are used as a configuration exchange mechanism by the classes in For example, DataStoreProducer returns a DOM Document describing the data it produces. Understanding how to use data configuration documents is important to leveraging the functionality of the package. The section Common Use Case Examples provides examples of how to use data configuration documents to manage the data produced by classes in this package.

DataDescriptor defined an interface for representing meta information about WorldWind cache data. It has been replaced with data configuration documents, which provide a common mechanism to describe a component's configuration. For information how to update code which uses DataDescriptor, see the DataDescriptor Porting Guide.

Supported Formats

Supported Projections

Deploying WorldWind's GDAL Libraries

The open-source GDAL and PROJ4 libraries are used to import many of WorldWind's supported data formats. WorldWind uses GDAL version 1.7.2 and PROJ4 version ?.? along with LizardTech's Decode SDK version for MrSID support.

Supported Platforms

GDAL and PROJ4 have been incorporated for MacOSX (Snow Leopard, 64-bit), Windows 32 and Windows 64. Support for Linux 32-bit and 64-bit, and Solaris are expected in the very near future. If the GDAL library cannot be found, data import operates without it but supports only a limited set of formats and projections, in particular, GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG, BIL and DTED, and either EPSG:4326f (WGS84, latitude/longitude), or UTM.

GDAL Library Locations

To simplify deployment, GDAL + PRO4 + MrSID bundles are provided as a single dynamic library with all dependent libraries included. There is one such library per platform, each located in lib-external/gdal/platform, as follows: The GDAL and PROJ4 libraries require data tables located in lib-external/gdal/data. WorldWind attempts to locate GDAL libraries during startup. By default WorldWind will first look in the locations listed above, then in the current path, and if no GDAL bundle was found, will try to locate the GDAL bundle in the sub-folders.

Deploying with Java Web Start

Instructions for using the WorldWind GDAL libraries with a Java Web Start application are available at

Common Use Case Examples

The following examples demonstrate the most common use cases which the classes in are designed to address. Additionally, several examples demonstrate data management use cases using data configuration documents. These examples constitute an overview of how to convert raw data sources into a form which can be consumed by WorldWind components, then manage the data in its converted form.

Example 1: Converting Georeferenced Imagery to the WorldWind Tile Structure

    // Given a source image, and a path to a folder in the local file system which receives the image tiles, configure a
    // TiledImageProducer to create a pyramid of images tiles in the WorldWind Java cache format.
    String imagePath = ...;
    String tiledImagePath = ...;
    String tiledImageDisplayName = ...;

    // Create a parameter list which defines where the image is imported, and the name associated with it.
    AVList params = new AVListImpl();
    params.setValue(AVKey.FILE_STORE_LOCATION, WWIO.getParentFilePath(tiledImagePath));
    params.setValue(AVKey.DATA_CACHE_NAME, WWIO.getFilename(tiledImagePath));
    params.setValue(AVKey.DATASET_NAME, tiledImageDisplayName);

    // Create a TiledImageProducer to transform the source image to a pyramid of images tiles in the WorldWind
    // Java cache format.
    DataStoreProducer producer = new TiledImageProducer();
        // Configure the TiledImageProducer with the parameter list and the image source.
        producer.offerDataSource(new File(imagePath), null);
        // Import the source image into the FileStore by converting it to the WorldWind Java cache format. This throws
        // an exception if production fails for any reason.
    catch (Exception e)
        // Exception attempting to create the image tiles. Revert any change made during production.

    // Extract the data configuration document from the production results. If production sucessfully completed, the
    // TiledImageProducer's production results contain a Document describing the converted imagery as a data
    // configuration document.
    Iterable results = producer.getProductionResults();
    if (results == null || results.iterator() == null || !results.iterator().hasNext())

    Object o = results.iterator().next();
    if (o == null || !(o instanceof Document))

    Document dataConfigDoc = (Document) o;

Example 2: Converting Georeferenced Elevation Data to the WorldWind Tile Structure

Converting georeferenced elevation data can be accomplished by referring to Example 1: Converting Georeferenced Imagery to the WorldWind Tile Structure, and replacing TiledImageProducer with TiledElevationProducer.

Example 3: Converting WorldWind .NET LayerSets to the WorldWind Java Tile Structure

Converting WorldWind .NET LayerSets can be accomplished by referring to Example 1: Converting Georeferenced Imagery to the WorldWind Tile Structure, and replacing TiledImageProducer with WWDotNetLayerSetConverter.

Example 4: Reading Data Configuration Documents from the File System

    // Given a string path to a data configuration file in the local file system, read the file as a DOM document, which
    // can be consumed by WorldWind's Layer and ElevationModel factories. This code is backward compatible with
    // DataDescriptor files. The method DataConfigurationUtils.convertToStandardDataConfigDocument automatically detects
    // and transforms DataDescriptor documents into standard Layer and ElevationModel configuration documents.
    String dataConfigPath = ...;
    Document dataConfigDoc = WWXML.openDocument(dataConfigPath);
    dataConfigDoc = DataConfigurationUtils.convertToStandardDataConfigDocument(dataConfigDoc);

Example 5: Reading Data Configuration Documents from the WorldWind FileStore

    // Given a path to a data configuration file in the WorldWind FileStore, read the file as a DOM document, which can
    // be consumed by WorldWind's Layer and ElevationModel factories. This code is backward compatible with
    // DataDescriptor files. The method DataConfigurationUtils.convertToStandardDataConfigDocument automatically detects
    // and transforms DataDescriptor documents into standard Layer or ElevationModel configuration documents.
    FileStore fileStore = ...;
    String dataConfigPath = ...;

    // Look for the data configuration file in the local file cache, but not in the class path.
    URL url = fileStore.findFile(dataConfigPath, false);
    if (url == null)
        // The specified path name does not exist in the file store.

    Document dataConfigDoc = WWXML.openDocument(url);
    dataConfigDoc = DataConfigurationUtils.convertToStandardDataConfigDocument(dataConfigDoc);

Example 6: Writing Data Configuration Documents

    // Given a path to the data configuration file's destination in the local file system, and a parameter list
    // describing the data, create a standard data configuration document and write it to the file system. This code is
    // not forward compatible with applications still using DataDescriptor. Code which uses
    // FileStore.findDataDescriptors to find data configuration files, or DataDesccriptorReader to read data
    // configuration files will not be able to find or read the file produced by this example.
    String dataConfigPath = ...;
    AVList params = ...;

    // Create a data configuration document from the specified parameters.
    Document dataConfigDoc;
    if (isTiledImageryData)
        // If you're writing a data configuration file for tiled imagery, use the following:
        dataConfigDoc = LayerConfiguration.createTiledImageLayerDocument(params);
    else if (isTiledElevationData)
        // If you're writing a data configuration file for tiled elevations, use the following:
        dataConfigDoc = ElevationModelConfiguration.createBasicElevationModelDocument(params);
        // Otherwise, you'll need to create your own document. WorldWind currently provides support for creating data
        // configuration files for tiled imagery and tiled elevations. Write custom code to create a data configuration
        // document which corresponds with your data. Use LayerConfiguration and ElevationModelConfiguration as
        // references, and use the methods in WWXML to construct your document in memory.

    // Write the data configuration document to the file system.
    WWXML.saveDocumentToFile(dataConfigDoc, dataConfigPath);

Example 7: Searching for Data Configuration Documents in the File System

    // Given a search path in the local file system to look for data configuration files, return a list of file paths
    // representing the matches closest to the root: data configuration files who's ancestor directories contain another
    // data configuration file are ignored. The search path cannot be null. This code is backward compatible with
    // DataDescriptor files. The class DataConfigurationFilter accepts standard Layer and ElevationModel configuration
    // files, DataDescriptor files, and WorldWind .NET LayerSet files.
    String searchPath = ...;
    String[] filePaths = WWIO.listDescendantFilenames(searchPath, new DataConfigurationFilter());

    if (filePaths == null || filePaths.length == 0)
        // No data configuration files found in the file system.

Example 8: Searching for Data Configuration Documents in the WorldWind FileStore

There are two methods of searching for data configuration files in the WorldWind FileStore. The first method individually searches each FileStore location using the method WWIO.listDescendantFilenames(,, boolean). This method is equivalent to calling the method FileStore.findDataDescriptors(String) (which has been removed), and should be used by applications porting from DataDescriptor. Use this method when your application needs to control the FileStore locations it searches for data configuration files.
    // Given a WorldWind FileStore location in which to look for data configuration files, return a list of cache names
    // representing the matches closest to the root: data configuration files who's ancestor directories contain another
    // data configuration file are ignored. This code is backward compatible with DataDescriptor files. The class
    // DataConfigurationFilter accepts standard Layer and ElevationModel configuration files, DataDescriptor files, and
    // WorldWind .NET LayerSet files.
    String fileStoreLocation = ...;
    String[] cacheNames = WWIO.listDescendantFilenames(fileStoreLocation, new DataConfigurationFilter(), false);

    if (cacheNames == null || cacheNames.length == 0)
        // No data configuration files found in the FileStore.
The second method searches the entire WorldWind FileStore under a relative file store path. Use this method when your application doesn't care which FileStore location it searches for data configuration files, but may care what relative file store path it searches under.
    // Given a search path in the WorldWind FileStore to look for data configuration files, return a list of cache
    // names representing the matches closest to the root: data configuration files who's ancestor directories contain
    // another data configuration file are ignored. If the search path is null, the method FileStore.listTopFileNames
    // searches the entire FileStore, excluding the class path. This code is backward compatible with DataDescriptor
    // files. The class DataConfigurationFilter accepts standard Layer and ElevationModel configuration files,
    // DataDescriptor files, and WorldWind .NET LayerSet files.
    FileStore fileStore = ...;
    String fileStoreSearchPath = ...;
    String[] cacheNames = fileStore.listTopFileNames(fileStoreSearchPath, new DataConfigurationFilter());

    if (cacheNames == null || cacheNames.length == 0)
        // No data configuration files found in the FileStore.

Example 9: Creating WorldWind Components from Data Configuration Documents

    // Given a data configuration document which describes tiled imagery or tiled elevations in the WorldWind
    // FileStore, create a WorldWind Layer or ElevationModel according to the contents of the data configuration
    // document. This code is backward compatible with DataDescriptor files if the data configuration file was opened as
    // shown in Example 5 or Example 8.
    Document dataConfigDoc = ...;
    AVList params = ...;
    String filename = ...; // The data configuration's filename, relative to a WorldWind file store.

    // If the data configuration doesn't define a cache name, then compute one using the file's path relative to its
    // file store directory.
    String s = dataConfig.getString("DataCacheName");
    if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
        DataConfigurationUtils.getDataConfigCacheName(filename, params);

    String type = DataConfigurationUtils.getDataConfigType(domElement);
    if (type != null && type.equalsIgnoreCase("Layer"))
        Factory factory = (Factory) WorldWind.createConfigurationComponent(AVKey.LAYER_FACTORY);
        Layer layer = (Layer) factory.createFromConfigSource(dataConfig, params);
    else if (type != null && type.equalsIgnoreCase("ElevationModel"))
        // If the data configuration doesn't define the data's extreme elevations, provide default values using the
        // minimum and maximum elevations of Earth.
        if (dataConfig.getDouble("ExtremeElevations/@min") == null)
            params.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MIN, Earth.ELEVATION_MIN);
        if (dataConfig.getDouble("ExtremeElevations/@max") == null)
            params.setValue(AVKey.ELEVATION_MAX, Earth.ELEVATION_MAX); // Height of Mt. Everest.
        Factory factory = (Factory) WorldWind.createConfigurationComponent(AVKey.ELEVATION_MODEL_FACTORY);
        ElevationModel elevationModel = (ElevationModel) factory.createFromConfigSource(dataConfig, params);
        // Currently, WorldWind supports factory construction of Layers and ElevationModels from data configuration
        // documents. If your data configuration document describes another type of component, you'll need to write your
        // own construction routine. Use BasicLayerFactory and BasicElevationModelFactory as references.

DataDescriptor Porting Guide

DataDescriptor has been replaced with data configuration documents. This guide explains why DataDescriptor has been replaced, provides information on backward compatability with data configuration, and outlines how to update code which uses DataDescriptor.

What Happened to DataDescriptor?
Older versions of the package included the DataDescriptor interface, along with its associated DataDescriptorReader and DataDescriptorWriter. DataDescriptor defined an interface and an XML file format for representing meta information about WorldWind cache data. The XML files were called "data descriptor" files, and were typically named "dataDescriptor.xml". Applications used these files to discover processed data in the World Wind file store, create an in-memory DataDescriptor from the file, then create either a Layer or an ElevationModel from the DataDescriptor. WorldWind needed a common mechanism to describe a component's configuration, but DataDescriptor had two problems which prevented its use as a common mechanism: (1) it presented all information as a flat list of key-value pairs, making it difficult to represent heirarchical information, and (2) it decoded complex properties (for example lists, angles, colors) at read time based on the property name, making it impossible to decode complex objects with unknown names. For these reasons DataDescriptor was replaced with data configuration documents. Data configuration documents provide a standard XML document structure to describe a component's configuration. They support heirarchical data, and enable data to be decoded after read time by any component which consumes the data configuration document.

Backward Compatibility with Data Configuration Documents
Data configuration documents have supporting utilities which are designed to read and transform DataDescriptor files written by older versions of WorldWind. Applications which port usage of DataDescriptor to data configuration documents can maintain backwards compatibility with the DataDescriptor files written by older versions of World Wind. However, there is no mechanism for forward compatibililty with data configuration documents. Applications which still use DataDescriptor files will not be able to recognize or read data configuration files.

The section Common Use Case Examples provides usage examples of data configuration which are backward compatible with DataDescriptor. Example 4 and Example 5 demonstrate how to read both data configuration files and DataDescriptor files. Example 7 and Example 8 demonstrate how to search for data configuration files and DataDescriptor files in the file system or the WorldWind FileStore. Example 9 demonstrates how to create a WorldWind Layer or ElevationModel from a data configuration file, in a way which is backward compatible with DataDescriptor files.

The data configuration files created in Example 1, Example 2, and Example 3 are not forward compatible with DataDescriptor. Likewise, neither are the data configuration files written in Example 6. Applications which still use DataDescriptor will not be able to recognize or read these files.

Updating Usage of DataDescriptor
Data configuration documents are designed to replace DataDescriptor as a mechanism for communicating configuration metadata about WorldWind components. WorldWind provides utilities to read and write data configuration files, search for data configuration files in the local file system or WorldWind file store, and create WorldWind components from a data configuration document. The following section outlines how to replace usage of DataDescriptor with data configuration files.

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NASA WorldWind-CE