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NASA WorldWind-CE

Package gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada

Provides classes for parsing COLLADA files and streams.

See: Description

Package gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada Description

Provides classes for parsing COLLADA files and streams.

How to Parse a COLLADA File or Stream

  1. Create a ColladaRoot via one of its constructors, such as ColladaRoot.ColladaRoot(, passing the COLLADA source to the constructor. A ColladaRoot provides access to the COLLADA contents. The source can be either a file, an input stream, or a URL.
  2. Call ColladaRoot.parse(Object[]) to parse the document.
  3. The ColladaRoot class provides accessor methods for the COLLADA element of the COLLADA file, its root. The content includes the element's asset and scene elements. Once the root is parsed, use these methods to obtain objects representing these elements, and use the accessor methods of those objects in turn to obtain their contents.
  4. Each COLLADA element defined in the COLLADA specification version 1.4.1 has a corresponding class provided in this package. Each of those classes contains methods to obtain the element's contents as defined by the specification.

Extending the Classes

This package's classes are designed for easy behavior modification and replacement, and for straightforward addition of operations to be performed during parsing. See the description of AbstractXMLEventParser for further information.

Relative References

By default, relative references will be resolved relative to the location of the COLLADA file that includes the reference. However, this behavior can be overridden by providing the ColladaRoot with a ColladaResourceResolver.

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NASA WorldWind-CE